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Get a Great Smile Painlessly With Lumineers


Are you looking for ways to get your dream smile? And, couldn’t decide how to go about the treatments offered by the cosmetic dentist. At present the dental industry is available with various advanced treatments and equipments through which you can get your teeth revamped and be a proud owner of a beautiful smile. Some of the most popular dental treatments include teeth whitening, full mouth reconstruction, dental implant, Porcelain veneers etc.

Among the different dental treatments, porcelain veneers is very popular among the people since they create a significant change without the cost and complexity of caps (crowns). Veneers made of porcelain are extremely thin and slightly translucent giving it a natural look to the tooth enamel. It is applied to the front of the teeth using dental cement. If you suffer from discoloration, cracking or minor crooked teeth then these veneers are great resource for an easy smile makeover.

If you are uncomfortable with the porcelain veneer process and also want to avoid the dental drill then you can opt for lumineers. These are great alternative to the traditional veneers placement. If you are looking to permanently whiten and align your teeth or repair chipped teeth without changing the tooth structure then, lumineers placement is the best and painless way to achieve the same.

Made from Cerinate porcelain, lumineers are ultra-thin veneers. Their thickness is compared to that of a contact lens and requires little to no tooth reduction in most cases. During the placement of these veneers numbing shots are not needed as well. They are custom designed for placing on the teeth. However, their placement does not require removal of any tooth structure and can be placed directly over the top of the teeth without causing any pain. This made them a good choice for the individuals with sensitive teeth.

Recreate the Natural Look of Your Teeth with Dental Veneers

Dental veneers

In dentistry, dental veneer is a treatment in which a thin layer of material is placed over a tooth, either to enhance its aesthetics or to protect damage to the surface of a tooth. The placement of the shells on a tooth helps in the change of its colour, shape, dimension or length. This treatment is usually a repair towards the discolouration of the teeth. Sometimes, we suffer from yellow tinge on our teeth and this is caused due to various reasons be it due to the food leftovers or chemicals and medicines used during the root canal therapy.

It is important to get rid of this yellow stain from our teeth in order to project a beautiful and confident smile. We can opt for the treatment of dental veneers to get rid of discolouration of teeth.

Many people also suffer from wrong alignment of teeth or they may have developed craters or bulges in their teeth. If you are one suffering with any of these dental issues then you can go for veneers treatment. You can also consult a dentist for this treatment if you have visible gap between your teeth. One of the most preferred veneers is the porcelain veneers by the dentists and patients as well. In this dental treatment, dentists use thin pieces of porcelain to reconstruct the natural look of the patients’ teeth. It also provides strength and pliability similar to the natural tooth enamel. Porcelain dental veneers are very successful for the people who have poor tooth color, shape and contours. The bond between the original tooth and porcelain veneer is very strong providing both esthetic perfection and strength for proper veneer function.

Enhance the Look of Your Teeth with Porcelain Veneers

porcelain veneers

Are you suffering from broken teeth or pain in your teeth and gums? If yes, then you should not waste a single minute and immediately consult a dentist. Today, you can find an assortment of options in the dentistry field from among which you can opt the best to restore your smile and overall oral health. One of the best-considered treatments is dental bonding. It is effective to treat all chips, fractures, and gaps in one’s teeth. This treatment is also known as composite bonding; it is a treatment in which color of dental resin dental work is used. It is one of the most popular treatments known in cosmetic dentistry used to fix structural defects.

This dental treatment is best for restoring decayed teeth and known for teeth reshaping and teeth whitening as well. The resin material used for bonding is applied on the defective tooth and then it is sealed with special lights. Bonding method is also used to fill in the minor gaps and to rectify the crooked teeth. Apart of this dental treatment, you can also opt for porcelain veneers to fix your dental issues. It is tooth-colored ceramic porcelain.

In this dental treatment, the veneer is designed exactly into the shape of a natural tooth and is fixed on to the surface of it to cure the dental problem. It is one of the greatest innovations into the world of cosmetic dentistry. These are wafer thin dental laminates made of shells. They are designed and are used to cover the front surface of the teeth to enhance their look. The porcelain veneers are attached to the exiting tooth to change its shape, size and color.