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Get a Great Smile Painlessly With Lumineers


Are you looking for ways to get your dream smile? And, couldn’t decide how to go about the treatments offered by the cosmetic dentist. At present the dental industry is available with various advanced treatments and equipments through which you can get your teeth revamped and be a proud owner of a beautiful smile. Some of the most popular dental treatments include teeth whitening, full mouth reconstruction, dental implant, Porcelain veneers etc.

Among the different dental treatments, porcelain veneers is very popular among the people since they create a significant change without the cost and complexity of caps (crowns). Veneers made of porcelain are extremely thin and slightly translucent giving it a natural look to the tooth enamel. It is applied to the front of the teeth using dental cement. If you suffer from discoloration, cracking or minor crooked teeth then these veneers are great resource for an easy smile makeover.

If you are uncomfortable with the porcelain veneer process and also want to avoid the dental drill then you can opt for lumineers. These are great alternative to the traditional veneers placement. If you are looking to permanently whiten and align your teeth or repair chipped teeth without changing the tooth structure then, lumineers placement is the best and painless way to achieve the same.

Made from Cerinate porcelain, lumineers are ultra-thin veneers. Their thickness is compared to that of a contact lens and requires little to no tooth reduction in most cases. During the placement of these veneers numbing shots are not needed as well. They are custom designed for placing on the teeth. However, their placement does not require removal of any tooth structure and can be placed directly over the top of the teeth without causing any pain. This made them a good choice for the individuals with sensitive teeth.